пʼятниця, 16 серпня 2013 р.

The Contracting State (Studies in Law and Politics) (9780335096343) Ian Harden, Norman Lewis, Cosmo Graham

Product Details:

Paperback: 96 pages
Publisher: Open Univ Pr (May 1992)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0335096344
ISBN-13: 978-0335096343

Product Dimensions:

8.4 x 5.2 x 0.3 inches
Shipping Weight: 6.4 ounces

Privatization and the search for economy and efficiency were central themes of government in the 1980s html5 web app tutorial. The 1990s are becoming the decade of public services html5 web app tutorial. "Contract" is a key aspect of the debate about how public services should be provided and who should provide them html5 web app tutorial. In "The Contracting State" Ian Harden examines the role of contract in local government services, the NHS reforms and the "Next Steps" agencies in central government html5 web app tutorial. He argues that there are two aspects to organizing public services through contract: one is the pursuit of party political objectives and here the language of contract has a largely ideological significance; the other is a genuine potential for promoting constitutional values by expanding both the rights of individuals and the accountability of government for policy decisions. The author argues that the latter can only be achieved as part of a broader legal framework for public services involving changes in national (and EC) law which would ensure organizational independence in the public sector. This book should be of interest to both students and practitioners in politics, law, social policy and public administration.

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